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Purdue’s FNR Career Fair Offers Top Talent, Growth for The ELAM Group

As The ELAM Group’s first 5 years come to a close, it looks forward to its next 5 years with a lens on the future of environmental consulting. As portrayed in the video clip below, Purdue University’s annual Department of Forestry & Natural Resources (“FNR”) Career Fair held in February of 2020 offers a look at what lies ahead for the industry. Attracting organizations and companies from all around Indiana, the FNR Career Fair provides hope for all businesses looking for top talent.
Purdue has been very good to The ELAM Group. This past summer and winter, one lucky Purdue student was retained as an intern.
“We love the environmental consulting world, and we love Purdue. Great universities with top-level talent allow us to foster the growth of the industry in a responsible way while filling the needs of our growing practice,” said The ELAM Group CEO James Hogan, “As we embark on 5 years, our good clients continue to urge us to grow, even during these challenging times. They feed us new and interesting environmental puzzles every day in hopes that we can tackle them. With all of the talent we see at Purdue, we are confident we can continue to fill our office with contemplative thinkers and hard workers right out of school. Those are the folks that will help us build our practice the right way as we look forward to The ELAM Group’s next 5 years.”